Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thank Yous

So much appreciation....

When preparing to take your family, so they can stay intact, and move around the globe for almost
three months there are several people that make that decision easier.  There are several people we would like to thank for making this adventure less stressful...and possible from home.

My Mom - We did leave a family member in the U.S., our cat Scout.  And Scout has been staying with my mom and they have been getting along and keeping other company.

Charlie and Carole - You also have to have great neighbors to be able to just leave your home for so long.  Charlie and Carole have watched our house, walked through it to make sure nothing is leaking, etc, went over and checked things out with the storms that came through a couple times (apparently our grill blew over and needs some repair because of one of the storms) and told me it was no problem each time I ordered more online items so when we got home Grace would be ready for school.  When our trip was extended I got nervous about getting everything done and went on a little buying spree...and all of the packages were shipped to Charlie and Carol and are sitting inside our house waiting for us.  Grace is excited to see her new backpack and lunchbox!
Tabitha - Tabitha doesn't even live in Florence, but every couple weeks she has gone to the Florence Post Office and picked up our mail, gone through it and emailed about any of our bills that have come and a couple wedding invitations too!  In addition to her own mail, imagine the three month pile of junk mail she has gone through that belongs to us.

Lori - My friend Lori offered to buy all of Grace's school supplies for us so it's one less thing to do in the days we come home.  Yay!

People who have sent mail - My goodness.  There are several of you who have sent the girls mail.  We didn't really want mail in the beginning - knew it was more expensive to mail and didn't realize the value it would be for the girls, but people have spoiled them to the point that when Sarah walks off the elevator each day she says, "Mail?:"  The girls have enjoyed the cards, letters, artwork, stickers, etc. they have received.  It seems that many times the mail came on a rainy day when we needed a pick me up too!

All of you who have read our blog.  If you have read our blog, you have been with us on this journey.  Thank you for reading....for caring.  For those of you who have commented on the blog, emailed me or simply "liked" a post on Facebook.  I cannot explain how much of a large impact that has been to me, although you probably feel it was a small one on your part.  By doing any of those things - letting me know you were reading - it helped me feel connected to my life at home.  Connection to a community is so important whether you are living in it or on a journey away from the community you call yours.  Knowing you were next to us... has been so truly meaningful.  So thank you for reading and thank you for letting me know that you were with us.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Final Weekend: Osaka Castle

So, our first weekend we set out to see the Osaka Castle, but got distracted by the International Korean Festival.  So, it seemed only fitting that our last weekend we visited the Osaka Castle.

The Osaka Castle is one of the more famous castle's in Japan - it played a large role in the unification of Japan during the 16th century.  (Wikipedia)

We toured the inside of the castle, which was filled with artwork and models of the castle in the various periods in Japan history.  As we were leaving, we found the opportunity to dress up...

Final Weekend: Fireworks

The summer brings fireworks in Japan.  There are fireworks every weekend.  This past weekend, since we extended our stay about 5 days, we were able to go to the second largest display in Japan.  The fireworks can be seen from our apartment building.

However, we decided to make the 15 minute walk to the river where they are let off.  The girls had a wonderful time (they love fireworks).  And, the fireworks display was wonderful.  The fireworks manufactures showed off a little (haha) toward the middle of the show and blasted fireworks that were shaped as happy faces, perfect stars and a face of a kitty.  It was a great show.

We left about 10 minutes before it was over - to beat the crowds - and it was a good evening.