Monday, May 28, 2012

Musical Entertainment

When we left Rokko Island we rode the train back to Osaka.  Sarah loved the train.  When we were back home we asked her what her favorite thing was that we did today.  Her response?  Riding the train and escalator.  That's all it takes...just a little transportation and the girl is happy ;)

Side note, she loves escalators.  We went to a mall that had 8 floors...and rode at least 6 of the escalators to the top.  She was so happy!  Three is a sweet age.

Anyway, when we got of the train at Osaka City Station (a large station where the train, subway and bus lines all connect together so you can interchange to get where you are going - and also one I plan to avoid without Jim), we enjoyed some music by this man.  He is playing instruments made of bamboo-like material.  The girls also provided some entertainment to the passers by and danced to the music.  It was fun watching them use their last energy of the day...after that we walked home and they passed out.

The girls dancing:

1 comment:

  1. It is so great to see them dancing and enjoying all that is around them!
