Wednesday, May 23, 2012


So, we thought we'd start out by a short explanation of why our family is spending the entire summer in Japan.  It's simple really 1) separation stinks and 2) the experience.  Many of you know that Jim's job requires spurts.  Last year, he was home for 7 straight months.  For the past three years, he's been gone at least 3 weeks in December (and other times too).  So, his travel was to lighten again, but a project came up that he became involved in...and it began to require he be in Japan for at least 8 weeks in the summer.  Now, it would have been 3 weeks gone, 1 home, etc..  That's alot of frequent flyer miles!  It's also alot of separation - felt by all four of us.

So, literally about a month ago Jim asked if I'd be willing.  I said maybe and he looked in to if it would be possible for all of us to go.  Next thing we know it all comes together and airfare was purchased to leave in 10 days.  Add that to end of the year events for MOPS, for the Kindergartner and the preschooler AND that Jim spent 6 of those 10 nights out of the USA...well it just proved why my hairdresser has been coming more and more frequently..and that being together is better.

So, here we are.  Our girls very first flight in their life...we put them on a plane for essentially 14 hours.  And, Osaka, we are.  Jim is happy for a family to come home to each night.  The girls and I are happy that he comes home at night.  And, our family will have a summer to remember.  We hope you'll enjoy sharing it with us...


  1. I still can't believe you're there! We are so excited for you all! It will be fun to follow your adventures, and I'm hoping to use it as a learning experience for Luke, too. No pressure. ;)

    Hope everyone adjusts to the time change quickly. Praying for your safety, good family time, and lots of learning experiences!

  2. How cool!
    Look forward to reading your fun:)

  3. I will be so happy to read about all of your adventures while you are away!! I will miss seeing the girls over the summer but couldn't be happier that you are all going to get to spend this time together!!
