Thursday, May 31, 2012

Vending Machines

I've mentioned that there are a great deal of vending machines here on the city streets.  Today while walking to the park that is 6 blocks from our apartment we took pictures of all the vending machines!  Seriously, these were all in just the 6 blocks from our door to the park.  In the machines you can mainly find juice and coffee.  In some are Coke (haven't seen Diet Coke yet).  There are also a couple vending machines that sell cigarettes (boo for that)!

What you don't find a great deal of on the city streets are trash cans.  You would think those would be on every corner block too with all the individual food items in the convenience marts, markets and vending machines.  Jim suggests that everyone just keeps their trash and carries it to their home.  Really, with the lack of trash cans you would think you would see trash all over, but you just don't.  People are polite and considerate in all sorts of ways here.   

1 comment:

  1. I know that in some countries they call it Coke Light instead of Diet Coke but I also think it's grey like Diet Coke so you would probably recognize it if you saw it. Suprised that there aren't any people on the streets with you or are you just really good at snapping pictures in between people.
