Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend 1: Korean Music Festival - Getting There & Food

So, on our first weekend we were planning to go to church.  I think we both thought we were planning to go to a church that Jim's boss and family attended when they lived here (many years ago).  They still maintain contact with the pastor but yesterday we realized it would be a $50 train ride to get there from where we are staying.  So, we decided to look for another option and the Internet in all of west Japan was down.  Crazy, I know.

So letting go of that (we do already know what church we are going to try next Sunday).  We decided to have another low key day and go to a park by way of mass transit (I mean, the train ride itself would be part of the fun).  So, Miyuki (our English speaking guest relations clerk in our apartment building) suggested we try a park near Osaka Castle.  And, we headed out.

Upon getting off the train, we went toward the park.  There was apparently something going on.!  Another little festival?  So, we thought.  We entered the area and their were booths/tents set up with food and vendors, there were ladies handing us all a bottle of water to all who entered.  We had no idea what we were walking in to.  And, it was a wonderful surprise.  Perfect luck!

What we had stumbled in to was the 2012 Korean Music Festival.  One English speaking person I found said she thought about two train stops away was a Korean population in Japan.  This explained all the "I love Korea" paper fans we were seeing.  So, there was a stage and these blue tarps all over the ground for people to sit on.  So, you take your shoes off, sit on the mat and enjoy the music/entertainment.  And, that we did, for about an hour and a half (because I had a special tea to get back for).

The entire area was dusty sand that the tarps were laid out on.  I'm beginning to possibly understand why so many people wear socks with their sandals...  you may be able to see in the photo to he left (above) that on these poles by the trash cans (where you separate your trash for recycling - love it!) they have little plastic bags which I think is to grab to put your food containers, etc. in when you are sitting on the mats eating to afterward carry to the trash.


Here is a picture of the food we ordered today (I remembered to take the photo BEFORE we ate today!).  On the left is what we thought were hot dogs.  If they are, they are nothing like American hot dogs, except for the shape.  In the middle is some kind of noodles and to the right is some meat, green peppers and onions.  This last dish was for me and until Jim told me the meat may be liver, I thought it was 'okay.'  I kept eating it though because it wasn't bad and I was hungry. Later, Miyuki told me it probably was not liver because Korean food does not typically contain, I'm going to hang on to that.  On the right, is Sarah enjoying her peach, icy treat.  That kid has a racket going.  We all got some kind of frozen treat and she made sure to try several bites of all of ours and then finished hers off too.  She's smart, that one - especiallly when it comes to sugar.

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