Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Commenting on Our Blog

I found a setting the other day and I think you should be able to now comment on the blog, if you want and even if you have not been able to before.  Someone tested it for me and it worked, so if you would like to try...please do!  We'd love to know who is walking beside us in the adventure - if we haven't heard from you in some other way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Grace and Sarah, Jim and Christy!!
    What a WONDERFUL ADVENTURE you have been on!! I follow every blog and smile at every picture of seeing all the fun you are having. It touches my heart! I miss all of you very much but it makes me happy to know that you are happy and together. It has been wonderful to get to know the culture through your blog also. Sweet Grace, I loved watching you reach out to the little girl in the park, use chopsticks, ride the ferris wheel and try so many differnt foods and museums, etc. I can see you growing up in the pictures. I love you soooooo much and I am sending lots of kisses and hugs to you!! Sarah, it was fun watching you ride the train, sing a Japanese song, feeding the monkeys and eating noodles. What a big girl you are becoming!! I want to send you kisses and hugs from Grammy and let you know that I love you sooo much!! Jim, I love seeing your smile in the pictures!! Knowing you are happy even though you are working so terribly hard and having such a long and harduous commute---well, that is you --always being so positive. It was so nice of you to think of your family and pick such a wonderful place for all of you to live so fun could be had by all. And Christy, thank you for all the time it took to make this blog and take the pictures and allow us to ride the adventure with you!! It has made my heart smile so many times when I open the blog and see all the fun you are having. Well, all my love forever, Mom, Grammy,Bonnie :) :) :)
