Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend 10: Tennoji Zoo

The Tennoji Zoo opened on January 1, 1915 and we visited it on Sunday.

The girls enjoyed seeing many of the animals at the zoo.  We saw seals, polar bears, reptiles, koalas, a kangaroo mouse, a crane and Mongolian Bears...and many more.  The Zoo was a nice little adventure and it was fun to see a few animals that we don't see at the Cincinnati Zoo.  For some reason, we were not allowed to take photos of the Koala Bears which I would have liked to have because we don't have Koala's in Cincinnati anymore, but there were many signs that said "no photography" and a guard stationed inside the Koala building - so I think they were pretty certain about this!

It was hot, but everyone did well (aka Sarah).  Going in the air conditioned buildings helped, but also this zoo was pretty shady - and not hilly like our zoo!  And, Jim also caused shouts of glee when he disappeared and then showed back up with two large cups of shaved ice for all of us to share.
Being honest, there were a few things that were maybe a little less clean or kept-up with than what we may find at home.  Or maybe we just noticed because we go to the Cincinnati Zoo alot during the year and there is a reason that it is nationally ranked among zoo's in the United States.  Either way, we had a nice time at the Tennoji Zoo and have a little more appreciation for our own Cincinnati Zoo.

After the zoo, we went back to Spa World - a perfect way to cool off after spending time at the zoo...and it was a block away!

Watching the seals and listening to them bark!
Polar Bears

Mongolian Bears

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