Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Back to Kids Plaza (3rd trip)

We went to Kids Plaza Osak again this week and took Erin.  We still are finding things we haven't seen there and we have never been there less than 4 hours!  the place is huge.  Here is a picture of the building:
The girls still love it so much and it definately fills our time for the entire day!

Sarah wanted to climb the ladder all by herself today (translation:  she didn't want mommy to follow her up).  Grace went first to help and Erin followed.  She really didn't need either of them, but I did.

The center of this place is an area of climbing towers, sliding down a slide (if you are big enough - only Grace is), climbing stairs, etc.  It also allows you to move between the various levels of the building without taking the elevator.

Mirrors on ceiling

Today, the girls got to be newscasters...yet another section of this place that we hadn't tried yet.

Another section they have there is the bubble section!  Here you see Sarah inside a very large bubble! Grace did it too, but we weren't able to get a good photo.  Maybe next time....

While the girls spent about an hour playing with trains, Erin spent some time entertaining herself building a tall tower!

We found a new section of Kids Plaza Osaka had a train car that you could "ride" in, complete with turnstyles and this was the view from one of the windows nearby this area.

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