Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Weekend 7: Kyoto Shrine

We've been waiting to go to Kyoto for when Erin arrived.  Kyoto is formerly the imperial capital of Japan, but now it is the capital of it's Prefecture (kind of like our states).  You will find many shrines and temples in Kyoto.

We only made it to this Shrine - the Shimogamo Shrine.  It was built in the year 678.  That seems hard to imagine that something is so old.  It certainly doesn't look it.

We took several pictures and explored the area of the shrine.  We observed several Japanese citizens paying homage and praying at the shrine.  It was wooded area (lots of green space which is a bit different than city living) and very relaxing.

Below is a picture of the girls a the bottom of the shrine, near the street.  We had just finished a little breakfast snack and I just thought they were cute!

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