Sunday, July 15, 2012

Upstairs Playdate

Our friends upstairs invited us for another playdate.  We were together for 7 hours.  The girls played dress up and then played with some of the many instruments they have.  Sarah still has her princess dress on in this photo.  Our Mama friend used to play in an orchestra until she had her daughter.  As you can see, the girls like playing with all of the instruments. 

And, they even put on a little performance for us: 


Sarah is just cracking me up lately.  She sings everywhere.  By everywhere, I mean in the (usually quiet) elevators, on the sidewalks, at the dinner table, at the dinner table in a restaurant.  Sometimes the songs don't make sense, sometimes they are a song we all know, but I like to believe it means she is joyful.  Grace often joins her in her songs and it can make for fun, proud and embarrassing moments.  Here is another video of Sarah singing at the playdate: 

After lunch, which I'll post about separately, we went to the park that is across the street from our building.  Sarah kicked a ball back and forth with the mamas and the bigger girls ran around and played with bubbles.  Then before we went in, the girls decided they needed to rip up leaves and pour water in different parts of the bottom of this feed the bugs.  Doesn't Grace look cute in her friends hat?

And we ended the day with shaved ice, up in their apartment...

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