Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weekend 8: Crepes

So for dessert after the Ferris Wheel, we decided upon trying crepes.  As you can see in the widow they have a large selection of choices (this is just two rows).  This is very common here, for restaurants to have plastic samples of their dishes outside for you to see.  It's also a large help to us!  You can also see, that in Japan, they place a heavy emphasis on beauty of the food on their plates.  Below is an example of crepes not for dessert, which include a hot dog (on the right) and some other non-dessert foods made with crepes.

So, our crepes ended up being rolled into a ice cream cone shape, making it much easier to eat.  And I think everyone has caught on to how happy this makes our "sugar monster."

Grace chose to get a grape flavored ice cream instead of a crepe.  Below is a video of them making the crepe dough...|

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