Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We Hosted a Playdate!

It was our turn to host a playdate with our friends on the 10th floor.  Our playdate began about 2:30 p.m. and lasted until after 9 p.m.  The girls and the mama's had a great time together.  Erin was still here to and she seemed to enjoy listening and chatting with our friends also.

The girls played and the moms talked, sometimes with the use of a translator.  I showed Miho a picture of our house - which honestly felt somewhat embarrassing when you are living here.  I guess being in another land gives you a different understanding of American excess.  After Jim got home we also showed her some of our photos from home and our family.  They do not have orange pumpkins in Japan, so seeing our Halloween pictures of Jack-o-Lanterns was interesting.  They do have something similar to Trick-or-Treat, just no orange pumpkins.  She also enjoyed our photos from Breakfast in Bethlehem, which delighted me, because many of you know that's my favorite little event at FUMC!

Because I couldn't think of a truly American dish to serve that I could actually make here, we served pancakes, eggs and fruit for dinner.  It was fun to have breakfast for dinner.

If you have any ideas for an American meal we can share with our friends, I'd love the suggestions.  Here are my parameters:
1.  We don't have a grill.
2.  I don't want to buy a bunch of seasoning for a tsp of something because things are expensive here and we only have a month left.
3.  Cooking on the stove is an easier option, although I do have an oven which is combined with the microwave...I'll show that to you someday upcoming.

So, if you have suggestions...just share with us.

During our playdate we were able to introduce our friends to the movie "The Little Mermaid" which they had never seen.  So, we hosted a movie night after dinner which included popcorn!  A picture of our movie night is above.

1 comment:

  1. For some reason the only thing I can think of is grilled cheese. I keep thinking spaghetti but have to keep reminding myself, that is Italian. Lol!

    Christine O.
