Monday, July 9, 2012

Ramen Noodle Museum

In this cabin, that has been relocated, the instant ramen noodle was invented by Momofuku Ando.  On the Fourth of July we visited the Instant Ramen Noodle Museum.  The previous Friday night, we met Andrea on the street by our apartment and we had invited her to join us for dinner.  She is an America from Kansas here teaching gospel music to Japanese adults.  Andrea went with us on this adventure.  I was proud of myself because I got all 5 of us there with no trouble using a train line we have never been on before.  This is big stuff in my world!

While at the museum we walked through and learned about Momofuki Ando's invention and his journey to them making it to our shelves in the U.S. and throughout the world.  We also were able to make our very own Cup of Noodles, which some of you may recognize because it is a product they sell at home too.

First, we washed our hands:                                                                  Then we decorated our cups:

These were our decorated cups...then it was on to filling them up! 
So you can't tell in the photo, on my cup - inside the heart is - "U.S.A." because this was my first Fourth not at home.

When the ramen noodles are made for the cups they are fried/baked with a cone shape around them so they fit in the cup.  The cups are then dropped down on top of the we each put our cup in and turned our cup on the wheel so it fell on top of the noodles:

Then we choose our flavor.
Sarah's Pick:  Chicken Soup Base with pork, cheese, corn and egg.
Grace's Pick:  Chicken Soup Base, with shrimp, corn, cheese and chicken.
My pick:  Chicken Soup Base, with chicken, egg, cheese and corn.
Erin's pick:  Curry Base, with hot peppers, shrimp, cheese and egg.

Then our Cup of Noodles was shrink wrapped and we reached in and got it.  After that we went to a table to package our cup of noodles in a way that would allow it to make it home on an airplane.  

 (We ate ours that night but here are the girls with their package.)

And before we left, some of the employees offered to let the girls get their picture taken with the little chicken that is the character mascot for the Cup of Noodle.

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