Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weekend 8: Mommy & Sarah Afternoon

Grace started crying when Erin was going to leave, so Jim let her ride the bus with he and Erin to the airport.  This left me and Sarah with the afternoon together.  And, what did we do?  Well, just ride the train in a circle, of course!  I know by now you should understand this would be a perfect activity for Sarah...

So, here she is in the train station...waiting for our train.  Sarah was happy to look out the window on our hour train ride.  She was very excited to see where the trains were parked...and especially wanted me to show you the BLUE one on the left of this picture.

After our hour train ride we came back to the apartment for a little while and then went across the street to the restaurant in the Westin where you can see the waterfall out the window.

We had a nice little dinner together and then we played some games at a little festival they have to celebrate July 7th here...a fairy tale about two lovers crossing paths once a year in the sky.  I'll post on that more later, but I wanted to share the pictures with you and also brag on Sarah just a little.  Before she played her first game she was looking at the prizes she could win.  (They had some nice stuff!)  One of the prizes at the first table we stopped at was a package with some Elmo Stationary, envelopes and two pencils inside.  Sarah saw this and said, "if I win, I'm going to pick this prize so I can share with Gracie."  (because there were two pencils).  She actually ended up winning two prizes at that booth so she was able to share with Gracie.  And, really she ended up sharing everything with Grace that she won at the little festival.

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