Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weekend 8: Spa World Fish Therapy

One of the things you can do at Spa World on a different floor than I mentioned in the previous post is participate in "fish therapy."  This is basically where you dip your hands and feet in a pool of water and let the fish eat the dead skin off of you.

It does not hurt.  It kind of feels (at first) like your foot is asleep.  But, then you get used to it.  And, believe it or not, Erin and I could tell a difference. 

Here are some photos of the fish on our feet:

After watching me for a while, Grace decided she wanted to do it.  So, Jim said he would do it with her.  As you can see, after she was in, she wasn't so sure about the idea...

Then, Sarah decided to dip her hand in:

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