Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weekend 8: HEP 5 Ferris Wheel

One of the things we have been waiting to do is ride the Ferris Wheel at HEP 5!  The girls have been wanting to do this, but we knew it would be a nice thing to do with Erin, so (mean parents that we are) we made them wait a bit.  Here is a picture of our family from almost the top.  Osaka is in the background.

It turns out, Erin has never been on the Ferris Wheel.  And here she is near the top.  As you can also see, Grace is beginning to fit in here - making the peace sign in many photos.

I was close to Sarah and she was turned toward the back window of the seat, but here is her being excited about seeing the train tracks out the window.  (I know I've mentioned before that she loves the train system here...)  You can see this picture below (what Sarah was looking at) - several of the train tracks going in to the Osaka City train station.  This is the rather large train station that is a central point for connection between a variety of train, subway and bus lines near our apartment.  The girls and I prefer the another train station - which is significantly smaller, but we have used the Osaka Station (without Jim).  Cheers for us!

This is one of my favorite photos from the top of the Ferris Wheel.  This is a main interstate that goes through Osaka.  I think I enjoyed this view so much because we just don't see lots of traffic here.  So, for us/me, it was just a reminder of traffic and somehow...of home.

People DO drive cars here, but where we live the main road reminds me of the equivalent of well...125 in Amelia (not toward Beechmont) and maybe US 42 on the strip from FUMC toward Union during the day.  In other words, maybe a 4 lane road, but really not significantly busy as compared to 125 toward Beechmont or US 42 toward the Interstate.

And for those of you Crystal Lakers...hmmm...maybe a bit busier than the road you take to turn back in to Rich & Heather's neighborhood???  Maybe a bit busier, but I think you get the idea.

Just the girls

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