Saturday, June 30, 2012

Grace is a Mama's Helper

So, we go to the park a lot during the week.  It's partly how we fill our days.  This week, Grace made friends with a little girl (she is a one-year-old) and her mom.  I wasn't sure that the mama really liked Grace leading her daughter by the hand, walking around with her, helping, etc.  I wasn't able to communicate with her well.  People are so polite here, I often feel like someone could be just being nice.  However, as they were leaving she was able to ask me (through another mom that was there) if we would be returning tomorrow.

This week, we've met them at the park on three separate occations.  They live in the building next to ours.  And, the little girl is so sweet.  She hugs Grace while they are playing and Grace is so cute with her too.

Yesterday while at the park, Grace and Luna were playing and the mom sat with her phone and I sat trying to catch a wireless signal on my Kindle and we talked back and forth by typing into our devices.  It's better than of the things I typed was an apology that I didn't know Japanese.  One of the things that she typed out to me was:  "are you going to be in Osaka forever?"  I'm sure there was some translation changes there, but it was bittersweet.

P.S. for Lori B- this reminded me of the days when our big kids were little and Grace would chase him around with his drink ;)

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