Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Our" Fruit Stand

This is the fruit stand we visit at least twice a week.  A cute older couple run it and they declined my request to please take their photo.  So, this is a photo of their fruit stand.  We love them.  They are so cute.

The grocery store we like best, Life, is right around the corner and we stop at the fruit stand almost every time we go, on our way home.  This couple speaks no English, but they can say hello and enough to have asked us if we are from America.  They think the girls are cute (which of course, they are).

About the third time we went there the gentleman began under-charging me.  I didn't quite catch it that time, but the next time we were there I was paying attention...and I asked.  Of course there is a severe language barrier.  And after searching his head for the right word, he came up with "service" which I took to mean, with his non-verbal expressions, "repeat customer." 

Although he doesn't speak English a couple weeks ago I attempted to ask where the apples were that day.  We love the apples here, I don't know the variety but we had went to the fruit stand for apples.  And of course, we had a communication issue.  He had know idea what "apple" meant and at the time, I did not know how to ask for a "ringo."  However, the next week there were ringos there.  And Sarah grabbed an orange (which we do typically buy) but we did not want this trip.  So, I took it from Sarah's hand and put it back.  The gentleman took it out of the basket and gave the orange back to Sarah.  Then, I stood there not wanting to be rude and trying to decide what to do...and then the gentleman gave Grace an orange too.  So, then I knew that he was giving us the oranges and I paid for my two rather large apples.  Service.  :)

This fruit stand is part of our life here.  It's "ours" and even with the language barriers it is nice to find ways to communicate in spite of them.

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