Friday, June 8, 2012


Things that make me laugh and smile...from the girls

Grace:  After a weekend filled with walking and sightseeing - Jim asked Grace if she would like to go with him to pick up something at the electronic store.  Her reply "No thanks."  I asked why..."I just don't think I can take another SINGLE step."

Sarah:  While out walking around Osaka during the first weekend here Sarah kept asking when we were giong back to the "nice lady's house."  Now, you also need to hear the cute whiny-ness in her voice when she said, "When are we going to go back to the nice lady's house???"  And, yes it took us a few days of her asking to figure out what it was that she meant.  When we arrived Miyuki and the Building Manger greeted us at the door within seconds of our arrival.  Then, Miyuki brought us up to the apartment and showed us to work the stove, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.  Miyuki - the nice lady; and 'her house' - the apartment we were staying in.  Translation:  "When are we going back to the apartment???


  1. What a beautiful picture of the girls!! Love these stories and all the other ones you have been posting. You are doing a great job of letting us know all the fun you are having!

  2. Ditto that. I am enjoying it too!
