Sunday, June 17, 2012

Weekend 4: Father's Day Fishing Tradition

It's a Father's Day tradition, in our family, to go fishing.  We started this tradition when Grace was 2 months old and haven't missed it yet.  This year, fishing in the ocean in Suma, Japan was our special location.

We stopped and got fishing licences (see the yellow tag hanging from Jim's neck?).  The girls didn't need one and went to go rent poles and get bait.

They gave us two bags of little shrimp (I guess) and a spoon.  You spooned the mess in a little blue weighed cylinder on the end of your line.  Then the shrimp floated out and when the fish went to bite, you hoped they also hooked themselves on a couple of hooks above the blue basket on your line.


It didn't look like there was a great deal of success on the pier, but there were alot of people set up and fishing.

And, we had success!!!  Look at this fish that Grace reeled in without any help!!!  She baited the goop in the basket, plunked it in the water and reeled it help from anyone.  A little puffer fish and very exciting!

And, not to be outdone by her sister,...after Grace's catch, Sarah got re-interested in fishing for the day.  And, with some help from Daddy (and some help from Grace - dropping some extra bait in the water with the spoon) Sarah pulled out this fish!

On the way home Sarah asked if we could go fishing in "Cha-pan" again next year on Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day to Jim.  It was a good day. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Father's Day to Jim. That is so awesome that you were able to continue with your tradition while you were there. Those fish were great that the girls caught. I am glad that Sarah even wants to go back there next year. Must mean that everyone is having fun!!
