Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weekend 3: Osaka Aquarium

The Osaka Aquariam (taken from our boat ride afterward)

We decided to spend Sunday at the Aquarium.  We rode the train and subway to get there.  Sarah declared liking trains better (even though the cars are pretty much the same) because she likes looking out the window and seeing a view.

There were a variety of fish and sea life at the aquarium, of course.  We took a few photos and videos to show you some of the things we don't see much of in Newport. 
We could not figure out the name of this fish, but just wanted to show you the size of it.

Here are some crabs for visitors to see on a waterfall...

We thought you may enjoy all of the large sting rays very eager to be fed...
(P.S.  We think Sarah's favorite part was the scuba diver feeding all of these sea creatures).

 Here is a video of the spider crabs walking, if you want to watch:

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