Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend 3: Saturday Night Dinner

Jim worked on Saturday (boo!).  We are entering his busy time, so this is going to be our new normal for a couple weekends upcoming.  However, he did get home in order to venture out for dinner.  We tried to go to the Malaysian place again, but it was already full and the owner seemed so sorry to have to turn us away again. But, we'll get there.

So, we decided to walk about a street over to the Westin Hotel and choose a Japanese Restaurant inside of the hotel.  Really the lower levels of this building are all restaurants and little cafe shops, you'd never know it was a hotel until you went upstairs.

I'm not sure what the name of this restaurant was (it was in Japanese, of course), but in almost all of the restaurants it's easy choose meals because the menus have photos and some English.  Many restaurants also have the meals outside in the windows (plastic versions) so you can see what they offer and can easily decide if you may like something inside that they serve.
This was the view from our seat (somehow it was the only table available in the restaurant upon our arrival).  There was a waterfall coming over the window with a stream and large rock in the background.  Manmade of course.

 This is what Jim ordered.  On the left is a rice omelet which we see alot at the restaurants and he was wanting to try it - the omelet had rice mixed with sauce rolled up inside.  He didn't love it, but was glad to have tried it.  On the top middle was another common addition to the plate here - some kind of sprout-y lettuce thing with some cole slaw sauce on top of it and garnished with carrots.  It's good, we think.  And then on the right was some breaded fish and tarter sauce.  I think the girls ended up eating most of that because he made the mistake of letting them try it!

The girls got pizza.  It was called something like Original Pizza in the menu (the waiter gave us an English menu) and looked like a simple cheese pizza (in the menu's picture).  We couldn't understand why, if that is what it was, it was priced so high.  When it arrived we realized that it had shrimp on it.  Which, you will find a great deal here - sea life on pizza.  Many times it is lobster, octopus, shrimp, etc.  Which of course makes sense since we are kinda close to a large body of water...

This was my meal.  I tried to take a picture of the box it was delivered in, just to show you.  Inside was some seasoned grilled steak on top of rice.  It was very good.  I kind of missed vegetables or something on the side, but those are just cultural differences.  And, Jim shared some of his spout-y stuff with me, so I did have some type of veggie!  :)

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