Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Weekend 5: Suma Beach

The girls had so much fun putting their feet in the water on Father's Day weekend, that we decided to go back with a purposeful visit to the beach (bathing suits included)!  We also thought that since Erin had just arrived, a lazy day at the beach may be good for her jet lag...

Here is some of the fun we had...

Erin has never been to the we initiated her by burying her in the sand!

Then it was Grace's turn!

After leaving the beach on Father's Day weekend, Jim told the girls we would probably go back to the beach at some point before we returned to home.  Sarah immediately and excidedly asked, "when we go to the beach next time, can I wear my Dora swimsuit AND can Dora get wet?"  She has asked this several times since then.

So after we had been at the beach for a little while, Jim asked Sarah, "Has Dora had gotten wet yet?"  Dora had not yet gotten wet...and here is a picture of how Sarah decided to remedy that.  It made Jim and I laugh.

Later, Dora got wet in a more traditional way....

And, finally...Funny story of the day. This guy asked if he could get his photo taken with Jim.  In some parts of Japan the people do not often see Caucasians.   But, maybe he thought Jim was a movie star???

This is me taking a picture of them taking their picture.

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