People on the trains get on, find a seat or place to stand and either 1) listen to their IPOD, 2) read or 3) almost immediately close their eyes to rest. Grace fits right in on this day...
Hi! My cousin, and your friend, Kim gave me your blog address. I enjoyed looking at Japan through new eyes again (I've been living here for nearly 18 years). It's too bad we aren't closer - we live in the metro-Tokyo area - but it looks like you're enjoying your stay and figuring out things quite well. I look forward to reading more of your adventures.
Hi! My cousin, and your friend, Kim gave me your blog address. I enjoyed looking at Japan through new eyes again (I've been living here for nearly 18 years). It's too bad we aren't closer - we live in the metro-Tokyo area - but it looks like you're enjoying your stay and figuring out things quite well. I look forward to reading more of your adventures.